
Melania Trump Speechwriter Falls on Sword Trump Rejects Resignation

Trump’s campaign denied wrongdoing, claiming the media was blowing the situation out of proportion, but it has proven to be a distraction during the convention.


“What I wanted to do last night was lay out the principles I believe we should stand for as Republicans”.

Competing passions were sharply on display Wednesday night when Trump’s fiercest primary rival, Ted Cruz, stopped far short of endorsing the nominee and drew loud boos.

Trump plucked him out of a small circle of vice presidential candidates that included New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Georgia lawmaker Newt Gingrich, hoping he would appeal to a conservative evangelical base that remains skeptical of the NY mogul. “That really resonated with me as well”, Clymer said. “That is the standard we should expect, from everybody”, he said, to both cheers and boos from the crowd.

“What does it say when you stand up and you say “vote your conscience” and rabid supporters of our nominee start screaming, ‘what a disgusting thing to say, ‘” Cruz said.

Instead, Cruz said: “To those listening, don’t stay home in November”.

“Hillary Clinton is the ultimate Washington insider”, Walker said.

In his speech Cruz backed some of Trump’s policies, including the building of a wall along the U.S. and Mexico border, but only mentioned the billionaire’s name once.

Meredith McIver admitted to using phrasing that closely resembles words said by Michelle Obama in a speech in 2008. “I know it’s hard, but you have to put country first”.

“Of 17 talented, dynamic candidates, we beat 15 of those candidates”, he said.

Adding to the drama, Trump then upstaged Cruz, entering the seating area, as Cruz continued to speak way over his allotted time.

Cruz won the second highest number of delegates during the primary elections, but fell far short of defeating Trump.


Mr Cruz arrived in Cleveland with an eye on his own political future, holding a rally with hundreds of supporters who greeted him with chants of “2020” – suggesting his backers have no interest in seeing Mr Trump become a two-term president.

Sen. Ted Cruz and wife Heidi wave from the podium during a sound check before the third day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland