
Melodramatic ‘The Martian’ Trailer Is Over 3 Minutes Long

The Martian will have its world premiere at the Toronto worldwide Film Festival next month and in advance of that, we have a new trailer from the film.


If you had any doubts about the necessity of seeing this when it hits theaters on October 2, I believe this will put them to bed. The Martian may succeed in creating a new generation of budding astronauts (or not, given its harrowing storyline), but achieving a shift in thinking among America’s political elite is quite another thing.

” follows an astronaut who is stranded on Mars after his team presume he is dead in the aftermath of a powerful storm.

We also get to see some emotional moments from Damon as he goes on a personal survival mission while he waits to be rescued.

Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain are back en route into space, so if you didn’t like Nolan’s Interstellar last year, Ridley Scott’s The Martian might just be the sci-fi for you. That has certainly been the case for Hollywood superstar Matt Damon, who has been with his wife Luciana Borroso for nearly 10 years now, with the couple still as happy as they have ever been. In addition to screening the first 50 minutes of the film, Scott and leading man Matt Damon joined NASA astronaut Mark Feustel, NASA Planetary Science Division Director Jim Green and The Martian author Andy Weir for a behind-the-scenes Q&A.

Though the story mainly sticks to reality, one possible falsehood in the film and in Weir’s novel remains: data from NASA’s Curiosity Rover shows that producing water on Mars may not be as trying as it was for Watney. A battered but breathing Watney determines he needs to “science the shit out of” his situation in order to maximize his meager Martian resources until he can hopefully be rescued.

The Martian features a rover much like the rovers NASA has on Mars and have used on our own Moon in the past. With only a few supplies, he must draw upon his intellect to find a way to communicate to Earth that he’s alive.

I’ve been looking forward to two movies this summer.


He likes to write a lot, as you can see.

NASA Journey To Mars And The Martian