
Men Are Putting Glitter In Their Beards And It’s Awesome

The hashtag #glitterbeard has become popular starting last week. Listen, we’ve dealt with-supported and promoted, even!-some ridiculous beard-related BS in our time: Calendars featuring bearded men in kimonos?


According to Hello Giggles, the glitter beard trend started as a symbol of LBGTQA+ pride on Instagram.

Images on Instagram show silvers and golds as the most popular shades of beard glitter, but purples, reds and greens also make an appearance. Step one, apply beard oil (they use some from The Groomed Man Co.).

Some guys are going all out and putting glitter on their tongues too and that has to taste more than a little grim.

‘Glitter beards are good to go after a good shampoo but the glitter in your house and in you things…it’s going to be everywhere!’ The problem is more evident among people who have thicker beards because the glitter particles tend to sneak their way in every crevice and corner of their beards. There are also enthusiasts who have used multi-colored glitter to create a more chic effect.

Once the beard is greased to perfection, the glitter is poured over the facial fluff, which the pair describe as “a delicate process”. Inspiring in the same way that we find glitter beards inspiring.

Cast your mind back to previous year and you may remember a rather freakish festive trend doing the rounds in your nearest hipster drinking establishment: beard baubles. In this case, their facial hair.


Earlier this month, the “glitter roots” trend took the social media world by storm.

Glitter Beards Are A Sparkling New Trend In Male Facial Hair Men With Shiny Sparkle Covered Beards Are Filling Up Instagram