
Mental health and physical health equally important for Americans

Some reports even claim that in the USA there are 100 suicide incidents happens every day.


The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States, while murder (homicide) listed in 16th place. Reports state that in the year 2012, suicide was the second leading cause of death globally among the people of age 15-29. Panel members are Tasha Hopkinson, a suicide-attempt survivor; Tena Hender, board member of the Utah Chapter for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP); Christine Nelson, a specialty services supervisor at Southwest Behavioral Health Center; and Greg Hudnall, EdD, executive director of Hope4Utah. They found that there can be many factors that can put a person at a higher risk of attempting suicide including psychological disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, family history of violence and suicide and physical and mental illness.

He added, “Effectively diagnosing and treating both anxiety disorders and depression, especially when they co-occur, are critical pathways to intervening and reducing suicide crises”.

September 7-13 is National Suicide Prevention Week and there are several things Arizona citizens can do to help the cause. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention reiterates on the common warning signs of suicide such as talking about killing themselves, having no reason to live, being a burden to others, feeling trapped, and unbearable pain; abnormal behavior like alcohol abuse, searching for means of killing oneself, withdrawing from activities and calling to say good bye; and signs of depression, rage and loss of interest.

The online survey, carried out in August, interviewed 2,000 USA adults on their perception and understandings about mental health and suicide. Kevin Bryce filmed “All These Flowers” on the real life story of 6 people living with bipolar disorder.

The research showed that 47% of Americans consider they have or have had a mental health condition, but less than two in five (38%) have received treatment.

“The findings provide key insights into how Americans view mental health conditions, life circumstances, barriers for seeking help, and their understanding of the risk factors for suicide”. People see the connection between mental health and overall well-being, our ability to function at work and at home and how we view the world around us.


Find the World Suicide Prevention Day brochure here (pdf).

September Is the Suicide Prevention Month