
Meredith McIver Wrote Melania Trump’s RNC Speech, Donald Trump’s Campaign Reveals

Cruz, runner-up to Trump in the bruising nomination battle, is expected to shelve past references to Trump such as “pathological liar” and “utterly amoral”.


On Tuesday, delegates formally selected Trump and Pence as their candidates.

The Republican National Committee also boosted the Trump campaign’s defense, with its communications director Sean Spicer slapping down plagiarism charges by pointing to similar words and themes in everything from John Legend songs to “My Little Pony”.

In working with Melania Trump on her recent First Lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people.

McIver says she offered her resignation but it was rejected by Donald Trump.

According to her author page, she has co-written books including “Trump 101”, “Trump Thinks Like A Billionaire” and “Trump Never Give Up” – the latter title being horrendously grammatically incorrect but perhaps a good strategy for the aftermath of this plagiarism faux pax. He’s expected to point to Indiana’s economic growth and to accomplishments under his watch. Hundreds of people were there, including Texas delegates and those from other states.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan, who hesitated to endorse Trump earlier this year, sounded like he was all-in at the convention. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio called Trump a risky “con artist” and a fraud during the primary and crudely mocked the size of his hands.

Finally, McIver’s explanation for what happened serves Melania poorly, putting her at the center of the plagiarism scandal rather than making her an innocent victim of her staff. It was Melania who sought out Michelle Obama’s speech for inspiration.

In a statement issued today, she said Mrs Trump read passages of Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech during the writing process. “No harm was meant”, wrote McIver.

Wednesday’s theme is “Make America First Again”. Barack Obama, was being nominated for president.

Republicans vow that in a Trump administration, the US will reclaim its historic role in the world.

After a roller-coaster campaign that saw Trump defeat 16 rivals and steamroll stubborn party opposition, the tycoon said it was time to “go all the way” and beat Democrat Hillary Clinton in November.

“Not when 93 percent of the speech is completely different from Michelle Obama’s speech”, the New Jersey governor said. She’s not a candidate for office.


Cruz paused, then said: “I appreciate the enthusiasm of the NY delegation”.

Melania Trump's speech took the attention away from her husband