
Metal Gear Solid gets an Unreal Engine 4 remake, and it’s glorious

Following Hideo Kojima’s parting from Konami after more than 30 years, exactly where the Metal Gear franchise goes next is now anyone’s guess.


This might just be wishful thinking, at least on the official front, but on the unofficial front, it looks like a Metal Gear Solid fan by the name of Airam Hernandez has made a decision to do something about it by recreating the game using the Unreal Engine 4.

That being said, the original Metal Gear Solid that came out it 1998 was a genre defining game and this remake of that title is something we are really looking forward to.

What would make one of the best PlayStation games of all time even better? Hernandez has revealed the first trailer for the project, which shows off various iconic locations from the PS1 classic, along with character models for Solid Snake, Cyborg Ninja, and more. The first trailer for the project released over the weekend.

Edit: Oh yeah, Metal Gear Solid was remastered – for GameCube, as Twin Snakes.


“Konami owns the MGS copyright and therefore sooner or later we will need their full permission”, Hernandez says. For that reason I feel as though it doesn’t quite have the “wow” factor we often get from these projects. For now fans can watch what Hernandez has accomplished so far and hope he is allowed to finish his work.

The original Metal Gear Solid is getting an unofficial Unreal Engine 4 remake