
Metal tray crashes through windshield, driver survives

A driver in San Jose won the life’s lottery this week.


A giant piece of metal slid off a truck, bounced off a freeway and impaled a moving BMW right through its windshield – miraculously missing the driver.

Lucky escape… a driver narrowly avoided death when a large metal beam impaled his vehicle window.

And even more remarkable, he walked away unscratched.

The black BMW was driving south near San Jose in Calafornia just after 2pm on Friday when the beam fell from the back of a truck in front.

San Jose Firefighters posted the image on social media with a reminder to “always be alert of your surroundings”.

The man received a minor scratch to his right arm, firefighters said.


The accident happened around noon on southbound Interstate 280 near the Saratoga exit.

Metal tray crashes through windshield, driver survives