
METER: PolitiFact fact-checks Donald Trump’s claim that Mexico sends

On Friday afternoon, Trump shared an op-ed by a Bloomberg Politics contributor who said the tense exchanges between Trump and the three Fox News debate hosts would bolster the leading GOP candidate’s campaign. Despite the viewer success though, Trump is complaining that the debate, moderated by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier and Chris Wallace, was unfair.


“You know, some of the statements she made about the women, I don’t recognize those words whatsoever”, Trump said on ABC’s “Good Morning America“.

Trump took exception to Kelly’s line of questioning during the debate, when she asked him to justify calling “women you don’t like fat pigs, slobs, dogs and disgusting animals”. “Because somebody doesn’t think the way I do, doesn’t mean that I can’t care about them or can’t love them”, Kasich said, to much applause, during the debate. But he did manage to talk his way out of not having to answer the question and, by throwing the political correctness issue in there, he even got the audience to cheer for him.

TRUMP: I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct.

APDonald Trump during the Republican debate on Thursday August 6, 2015. If they do say you’re fired, well then there’s every possibility that Trump would run as an independent, draining support away from the conservative cause. All of those moderators asked tough questions of everyone. Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal, George Pataki and Jim Gilmore were among the candidates who defended Kelly and criticized Trump.

O’Donnell was not amused by Trump’s comments, as she made clear Thursday night.

Despite being at a Broadway musical premiere, O’Donnell had a quick response on Twitter to the debate’s discussion of the names Trump has publicly called her: “Try explaining that 2 ur kids”.

In the aftermath of his comments, Trump was disinvited from a high-profile conservative event this weekend, the RedState Gathering.

After the debate, “The Kelly File” had Frank Luntz of Luntz Global show results of a live post-debate focus group.


Trump cited two polls frequently during his rant – one from The Drudge Report, in which 50% of its readers chose him as the victor, and another from Time that found similar results.

GOP debate