
Mexican Flags Raised in Scotland to Protest Trump Visit

Two neighbours of one of Donald Trump’s golf courses in Scotland have raised Mexican flags ahead of the USA presidential candidate’s visit this weekend.


Susie and John Munro, who live in cottages beside the golf course vehicle park, at the foot of the same hill which Milne’s house sits on, have complained about an earth wall or berm built by Trump’s staff which now entirely blocks their view across the old dunes and out to sea.

It appears the flags were raised as much in protest of the golf courses owned by Mr. Trump as against his candidacy for the presidency. They started the “Tripping Up Trump” campaign to resist the purchase of their land, and they have been successful.

Mr. Milne owns property that is adjacent to one of Trumps golf courses.

“The point of the flag is to show solidarity with the Mexicans and every other group that Trump has decried, derided, insulted, and tried to marginalize”, David Milne said.

Interestingly, the flag pole was raised at the border of his course, insinuating the proposed wall that he wants to build on the Mexican border.

Milne and his wife Moira live in a former coastguard’s station on the highest point overlooking Trump’s course, which now has the Mexican flag fluttering alongside his Scottish saltire flag.

Two local residents have raised the flags ahead of the USA presidential hopeful’s visit to Scotland later this week.

Mr Trump is scheduled to relaunch his Turnberry golf course and hotel in South Ayrshire on Friday following a £200 million revamp at the resort.

“I would categorically dispute any claims that we have purposely made life hard for the neighbors or done things that were wrong”, she told NPR’s Leila Fadel in Frebruary.

Sarah Malone, the executive vice president of Trump International Golf Links, has denied the claims.

Trump has two golf courses in Scotland and one in Ireland.


The presumptive Republican presidential nominee is set to travel there later this week, and probably will see the flag flying near his golf course when he arrives.

Scotsman Michael Forbes proudly flies the Mexican flag at his home north of Aberdeen next to Trump International Golf Links course