
Mexican Immigration Declining; More Are Returning Than Arriving

The findings are based on U.S. Census Bureau surveys that measure immigrant inflow from Mexico along with data from the National Survey on Demographic Dynamics (ENADID) conducted by Mexico’s chief statistical agency (INEGI) to measure migration back.


To reach their conclusion, Pew researchers looked at numerous sources of available data, including a Mexican national household survey, two Mexican censuses and U.S. Census data.

A recent study is showing evidence that more Mexicans are leaving the USA than coming to the US.

A new study of immigration to the United States shows that more Mexicans have returned home than have arrived here since 2009.

In addition, Lopez said, immigrants from China, India and other Asian nations are coming as students and high-tech workers.

In the 50-year wave of migration since 1965, more than 16 million Mexicans came here, far more than from any other country, Pew has reported.

An increasing share of Mexicans says life north of the border is neither better nor worse than life in Mexico, Pew said.

As The Guardian notes in its report, the newest results follow a 2012 report that said net immigration between Mexico and the USA was nearly at zero, meaning the newest report shows a turning point in immigration trends.

“It’s interesting that migration from Mexico appears to now be turning towards Mexico at the same time that migration from Asia seems to be on the rise”, Lopez said. But the image of the USA has been tarnished among Mexicans, according to opinion polling cited by Pew. Mexicans are still the largest immigrant group in the country.

While undocumented immigrants in the United States are getting access to things like driver’s licenses and college loans, and the Obama administration has emphasized deportations of people who commit violent crimes over deportation for immigration crimes, the country is deadlocked on legalrecognition for people who came here illegally. The overall flow of Mexican immigrants between the States and Mexico is now at its lowest since the 1990s, the study found. The total declined to 11.7m a year ago.

The drop is mostly due to a decrease of more than 1m unauthorised immigrants from a peak of 6.9m in 2007 to 5.6m in 2014, Pew said.

The overwhelming reason for returning to Mexico was to reunite with family or after starting a family.


The net out-migration of Mexicans back to Mexico has made it more hard for USA agricultural growers who depend on the annual influx of Mexican workers to harvest their crops, but it may help reduce the cost of US border enforcement.

Mexican immigration flow to US has reversed: Study