
Mexico City prosecutor: Video shows 3 suspects at scene of killing of

Espinosa was found murdered along with four other people.


“We are all outraged by this crime”, Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said at a news conference. Espinosa, 31, worked for the investigative magazine Proceso and other media in Veracruz state.

Rodolfo Rios Garza says the video captures men leaving the building Friday afternoon with a roller suitcase and driving away in a red Ford Mustang thought to have been used by one of the victims.

Veracruz is one of the most unsafe states for the press in Mexico, according to CPJ research.

Investigators did not give the names of the women killed alongside Mr Espinosa, only their ages.

The incident left the 31-year-old photographer “very concerned” because he had left Xalapa, the capital of Veracruz, because he was being harassed and feared for his life, the Cuartoscuro director said.

The worldwide Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joined its Latin American group FEPALC yesterday in condemning the murders.

An official from the prosecutor’s office said three of the female victims had been identified, but a fourth, presumed to be Colombian, had not.


The press is in a “state of emergency” in Veracruz, where 14 journalists have been killed since Gov. Javier Duarte took office in 2010, with reporters experiencing “a situation of impressive lack of protection”, Valtierra said. “All lines of investigation are open”, he said in response to a question about Espinosa’s early June statements that he felt threatened by Duarte, a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) of President Enrique Pena Nieto. The comment led to shouts and protests from reporters. The agency said in the last five years it has helped about 70 journalists under threat find refuge in the capital.

Mourning outcry after Mexico journalist's killing