
Mexico’s President is Already Disputing Trump’s Version of Their Meeting

Trump said while numerous illegal immigrants living in the U.S. “In several years, when we have accomplished all of our enforcement and deportation goals and truly ended illegal immigration for good … then and only then will we be in a position to consider the appropriate disposition of those individuals who remain”.


On Wednesday, he appeared on the brink of embracing that shift as he travelled to Mexico for a dramatic visit with President Enrique Pena Nieto.

Hannity, who has informally advised Trump, is one of his fiercest backers on cable news.

In his speech, Trump emphasized that his priority would be to quickly deport those among the undocumented population who have committed serious crimes. “For those here illegally today seeking legal status, will have one route only: to return home and apply for reentry like everybody else”.

Trump, speaking at the American Legion’s annual convention in Cincinnati, says he wants to work with the group to ensure that the children learn about America’s common values.

“But even more important than the details of the plan itself”, Stein said, “Trump laid out the most fundamental principle for true immigration reform: The policy exists to protect and serve ‘the well-being of the American people, ‘ and ‘protect all aspects of American life”‘. “Instead, Trump used his remarks in Arizona to reassure his core supporters that he would focus on deporting criminals, but remain true to his original pledge to target all undocumented immigrants without mercy, whether illegal workers or DREAMers or the parents of US citizens”.

By the time Trump took the stage in Phoenix, any expectations for a softer immigration position or a more restrained candidate were squashed. “It is deeply unpopular with voters, and profoundly un-American”.

In his speech last night, Trump talked about “open borders” and floods of undocumented immigrants coming into the country.

Trump initially told reporters that he did not discuss with Peña Nieto who would pay for the wall.

The Republican presidential nominee has made the wall – and Mexico paying for it – a core element in his campaign.

With the meeting held behind closed doors, it was impossible to know who was telling the truth. It seemed to contradict Trump’s statement that payment wasn’t discussed, but the president’s office said only that Pena Nieto made his statement and the topic was dropped.

Though Clinton was subtler in her attacks on Trump in front of the audience of veterans, the former secretary of state did blast the businessman-turned-politician – sometimes not by name – for what she said were his insults toward the military, attacking the family of a soldier killed in action and being too cozy with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump told the rowdy Arizona crowd that he respects the Mexican president.

“We will build a great wall along the southern border”, Trump said.


Yet, standing on American soil, he addressed directly a question he sidestepped when asked in Mexico. “And Mexico will pay for the wall – 100 percent. They don’t know it yet, but they’re gonna pay for the wall”.

Donald Trump mulling Mexico trip