
Mexico will pay for wall because I say

The Republican National Committee has doubled down its efforts to reach this fast-growing voting bloc.


At the time, Trump’s entire political staff consisted of his lawyer Michael Cohen, veteran operative Roger Stone, and all-purpose aide Sam Nunberg. They don’t want to take care of them.

Over the years, Trump gave $1,000 to the late Jim King of Jacksonville, a former Senate president, and $1,000 to former Rep. Sharon Merchant of Palm Beach County when she ran for a Senate seat in 2002.

Trump was harsh with his words toward Graham, calling him an “idiot” and a “lightweight”, but if you ask me, compromising his cell phone was the far bigger crime. I don’t know who the best candidate is and that is why I pray daily for God to raise up the right one.

Murdoch sniffed at Trump in July, tweeting on the 12th that Trump’s rhetoric about threats posed by immigrants was simply “wrong”.

In an interview on “Hardball” with Chris Matthews one week later, on November. 18, 1999, Trump predicted the plan would be a boon to everybody, especially those who paid the big tax. A spokesperson for Ivanka declined to comment.

The Republican National Committee has already put staff in a number of states where Latino voters are key, including Colorado, Florida and Virginia, and said that it is focused on its so-called hyperlocal, grassroots campaigning to draw in voters. I believe it’ll take lots of time and work to simply regain ground America has lost under his “leadership”.

Donald Trump, el precandidato republicano a la presidencia. There are people who have it.’.

According to National Post, Trump’s biography, which is entitled Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success, was originally planned for a January 2016 release. Jeb Bush, generally seen as the most Latino-friendly candidate in the Republican field, came in third in the poll with 10 percent. Trump and Kushner are members of Lookstein’s Orthodox synagogue and are Shabbat observant.

Even more good news is the fact that the coupons do not only apply to taco orders. “But by doing that Cruz is done with the Latino vote”.

Should we be surprised that we have reached the moment in our history where accumulated wealth is viewed as a sole qualifier for becoming President?

Ohio Gov. John Kasich said that Trump’s immigration comments have clearly touched a nerve and it is “a mistake” for people to ignore him.


“In one sense it’s advantageous for us because Trump is stirring up trouble for his own party”, Pablo Manriquez, a DNC spokesperson told FNL.

2016 Presidential Polls Donald Trump Hilary Clinton Approval Ratings Jeb Bush Marco Rubio Scott Walker Bernie Sanders Jeb Bush