
Mexico will pay for wall because I say so

Donald Trump, el precandidato republicano a la presidencia.


Eat24, a mobile app that helps users order take-out and delivery in major metropolitan areas, announced on Twitter Thursday that it will post a coupon code to its account every time Donald Trump says “Mexico” during the prime-time debate. “Oh, and btw, since we know everyone has the same question…”

Donald Trump kicked off his presidential campaign with controversial comments about Mexican immigrant criminals and rapists, and has frequently spoken on the campaign trail about how disgusting the Mexican government is and how they’re sending their worst people to the United States.

“So simple. So simple”, Trump said of how he would defend his wall plan in this week’s debate. And, typical of Mr. Trump’s self-confidence, he said he would act as president and also as U.S. trade representative, for which, Mr. Trump stated his lawyers assured him, “the president has this authority”.

Trump’s Anti-Mexico rant aside, what went on during the debate preliminaries? And Bill, it’s peanuts what we’re talking about. As usual, Trump is the one to watch.

True to his form, he refused to apologize for anything at all.

No matter how often the moderators tried to corner the mogul on the inconsistencies of his platform, as well as his vulnerabilities as a candidate, he never budged on his stance.

Jeb Bush gave solid answers on immigration and Common Core – his weakest spots.


“Wondering what kind of words will come out of his mouth?” And you don’t technically have to use it on a taco if you don’t want to – but it is highly recommended that you do.

Trump: Mexico will pay for wall because I say so