
MI confirms 8 human cases of flu spread by pigs

After testing positive for swine flu, the pigs were treated with aspirin to help bring their fevers down.


The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services says that eight people have now been confirmed to have contracted the swine flu in Michigan.

In a joint statement, the two agencies are working “closely” with local health departments, the health care community and fairs to identify any additional cases and to protect exhibitors and the public.

Confirmed cases have been linked to animals in Cass, Muskegon and Ingham counties.

The federal government says MI had nine cases from 2012-2015.

However it may spread to people in a couple of ways: when an infected pig coughs or sneezes, an infected droplet may land on a person’s mouth or nose or inhaled in. Currently, there is no vaccine for H3N2v and the seasonal flu vaccine will not protect against H3N2v.

Another way is by touching something that already has the virus on it and then touching your own mouth or nose.

You can reduce the odds of getting infected by avoiding pigs and swine barns at fairs.

In addition, health officials advise people should not eat or drink in livestock barns or show rings, and not take toys, pacifiers, cups, baby bottles, strollers, or similar items into pig areas.

-Avoid contact with pigs if you have flu-like symptoms.

-Wash your hands often with soap and water.


People who are considered at higher risk for complications include children under the age of five, people 65 and older, pregnant women, and people with health conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart disease, weakened immune systems, and neurological or neurodevelopmental conditions.

8 cases of the swine flu have been found in Michigan.                      WXYZ