
MI is the worst state for bullying in the United States

Bullying is a serious problem nationwide.


A new study out by WalletHub shows that SC is the 9th worst state in America when it comes to bullying and how it’s being handled in schools. If bullying is suspected, parents can reach out to a teacher, guidance counselor or another trusted school staff member to help decide the best way to respond.

According to the report, MA students specifically are less likely to be bullied on school property, be involved in a physical fight at school and miss school out of fear of being bullied.

“With back-to-school season upon us and more than 160,000 children missing school every day in the USA out of fear of being bullied, the personal-finance website WalletHub conducted an in-depth analysis” on the topic, spokeswoman Diana Popa said.

The survey ranked Texas 12th in the nation in the number of high school students who missed school out of fear of being bullied and 12th in the percentage of high school students who attempted suicide.

Today, they say, it’s seen more online with bullies using anonymity on social media. That’s why experts say it’s important to keep an open conversation with your child about what it is and how the situation can be handled.

In 2015, Gov. Rick Snyder signed a bill requiring all MI schools to add cyberbullying to their anti-bullying policies and report bullying data to the state.

She added parents should also discuss tolerance with their children, and encourage them to speak up for others who may be victims of bullying. “Might a young person not want to go to school, I’m putting this in ‘air quotes, ‘ because they have a headache, or stomach ache or some kind of psychosomatic issue?”


“It’s important for these kids going back to school to really think about the role that they are playing”, said Kowalski.

Massachusetts Students Are Less Likely to Be Bullied, New Report Finds