
Miami Beach official: No confirmation of Zika spreading

The territorial count of the virus, which also can be sexually transmitted and which has been linked to severe birth defects in infants and the potentially fatal Guillane-Barre Syndrome in adults, stands at 143. The routine search in this case, the county says, turned up Aedes larva nearby, a discovery that calls for spraying out of an abundance of caution. That is, people traveled to countries where the virus is already established and brought it back with them.


Mosquitoes who bite people infected with the virus can then carry it to the next person.

New York State has more than 500 travel-associated cases. However, the department also is investigating over six other infections outside that area.

Microcephaly is a birth defect where a baby’s head is smaller than expected when compared to babies of the same sex and age, according to the CDC.

The county recommends following the CDC’s guidelines, especially when planning trips to known Zika sites.

“The CDC guidelines now include excluding the Windwood area of Miami from visitors travel plans”, Ericcson said.

DOH still believes active transmissions are only occurring in the area that is less than one-square-mile in Wynwood within Miami-Dade County.

Medical testing has not confirmed that the individual, who has not been identified, has Zika or any other tropical mosquito-borne infection.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has tested more than 25,000 mosquitoes for the Zika virus in Florida.

I was appalled, reading the paper this morning, to learn that the Republicans in the congressional House and Senate thought the Zika virus was not important enough to redress and fund before taking their five-week recess. Over 10,000 tables are placed throughout the county on an annual basis. He said city workers are trying to get rid of standing water and foliage that might attract the virus-spreading insects, while the county begins a fumigation program to kill the bugs. But he does have some further recommendations for local residents.


Aerial spraying and door-to-door operations on the ground have cut mosquito populations in Wynwood by up to 90 percent, but Zika may be continuing as mosquitoes breed, Frieden told reporters Friday. “Through trapping, these mosquitoes have not been identified as being in Orange County at this time”. The virus only causes mild, flu-like symptoms in most people, making it hard to confirm local transmissions, the CDC said.

Republicans put politics ahead of citizens' health