
Michael Bloomberg Calls Donald Trump a Con Man

PHILADELPHIA ― Americans who want a great businessperson in the White House should look for someone who isn’t Donald Trump, Michael Bloomberg, the former NY mayor and founder of the Bloomberg media empire, said at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday.


He spoke not just as an independent voter, but also as a billionaire who has seen Trump’s business practices up close and personal in NY.

The Jewish former mayor said that voters should get over their quips with the Democratic nominee out of love of country.

Bloomberg really did not skimp on the criticism towards Clinton’s Republican competitor this evening. Instead, he presented her as the only rational choice-urging the crowd to “unite around the candidate who can defeat a risky demagogue” and earning even bigger applause near the end of his speech when he asked the crowd to elect “a sane, competent person”.

For New York Assemblyman Michael Blake, who is also attending the convention as a delegate, Bloomberg’s endorsement means a good deal because Bloomberg clearly knows both candidates quite well.

“There are times when I disagree with Hillary”.

“Donald Trump says he wants to run the country like he runs his business”, he said.

“Mayor Bloomberg is just another person who knows her well”, he said.

“I know that Hillary Clinton is not flawless-no candidate is”.

“No matter what you may think about her politics or her record, Hilary Clinton understands that this is not reality television, this is reality”, Bloomberg said.

“And that’s the kind of approach we need in Washington today”, he added.

Advisers would not say how much to expect him to focus in his speech on pushing Clinton versus criticizing Trump. “A unifier who is mature enough to reach out for advice”, he said.

“Because Michael Bloomberg’s wanted to run for president for probably as long as you’ve known him”.

Speeches throughout the week have been a mix of deeply emotional discussions highlighting the history of Clinton’s nomination to a lengthy, personal talk from Bill Clinton that sought to soften her image.

On Wednesday, Bloomberg unleashed a stronger attack.

Bloomberg was a lifelong Democrat before he became a Republican in advance of his first campaign for mayor in 2001.

Mr. Bloomberg had considered running for President himself as a third-party candidate earlier in this election cycle, ultimately choosing to stay out.


On Wednesday, he went a step further and favorably compared his own business record to Trump’s.

Bloomberg blasts Trump's business record in convention speech