
Michael Bloomberg Says America Needs ‘Sane, Competent Person’

Members of the former mayor’s staff said Bloomberg, one of the nation’s richest individuals, will lay out in his convention address why a Trump administration would be disastrous for the nation’s economy.


He soon launched into an attack of Donald Trump’s views and values. And to ask you to join with me in supporting her this November.

The business magnate noted that, like Trump, he’s an entrepreneur, but he didn’t start his business with a $1 million check from his father.

Obama, receiving a hero’s welcome when he took the stage shortly before 11 p.m., painted Clinton as a cool-headed leader who knows how to manage through a crisis. “I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy”, he said as his audience applauded and cheered. And in a YouGov poll around the same time, while only 55 percent of Sandernistas said they would vote for Clinton, just 15 percent said they would vote for Trump, leaving 30 percent looking for a home.

His primetime speech at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia was chock full of zingers, such as when he assailed Trump for his record of bankruptcies as a Manhattan real estate developer and chided him for eponymous products made overseas.

Trump had heaped praise on Bloomberg when he was mayor.

A tweet from Conservative Review Senior Editor Michelle Maulkin did the same thing, citing a different story: “DNC speaker Michael Bloomberg, the elitist hypocrite who doesn’t live by his own health rules: …”

Bloomberg first won the mayor’s office as a Republican but has often stood with Democrats, focusing much of his efforts since leaving office on gun control and fighting climate change.

Following Trump’s Twitter assaults, Bloomberg spokesman Howard Wolfson started trolling The Donald in devastating fashion.

“I understand their dilemma”. “We used to be friends”, he said.

“When I enter the voting booth each time, I look at the candidate, not the party label”, Bloomberg, who has had various political affiliations, said in his prime-time speech. She understands the job of president.

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PHILADELPHIA – Democratic Party stalwarts circled the wagons around Hillary Clinton on Wednesday during the third night of the Democratic National Convention, leaving no question that the full brass was united behind the presidential nominee even as die-hard supporters of Bernie Sanders continued to protest inside and outside the convention hall.

Republican political consultant Michael Caputo in his East Aurora office