
Michael Moore: I’m Coming For ‘Big Wuss’ Donald Trump

Moore then wrote a letter to Trump on Facebook, revealing their history while calling for others to hold up signs showing support for Muslims.


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AAP spokesperson Ashutosh lashed out at Jaitley, asking why contracts were given to “front companies of DDCA office-bearers”. In response, Jaitley had said on Thursday, “I left cricket administration in 2013”.

Senator Lindsey Graham also seems to be taking a strong stand against Trump’s views by saying that “Donald Trump has done the one single thing you can not do-declare war on Islam itself”, he said, while addressing the debate which took place at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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USA } military resources, disrupt planned Chinese investments and deepen a conflict between nuclear-armed India and Pakistan. He said at least 18 members of the security forces and civilians had been killed and 11 wounded, including two women.

“No”, the producer replied, “he just seems all jittery about you”. I’ve never said that about myself before.

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The agreement also recognizes developing countries’ right to special safeguard mechanism aimed at protecting their farmers. hard } to narrow differences on issues including agriculture and the future of the Doha round.

5% of respondents said they would like to see him in the White House, while 9% said they didn’t know. “I’ll talk to him if you want me to”. And so, as you may remember … You know, Stephen Colbert did that character. “I feel honored and proud of that not as a Muslim but as an American”. “That you weren’t going to pick on me for something ridiculous, ‘” Moore wrote.

You and I went on to do the show. Nothing untoward happened between us. I didn’t pull on your hair, didn’t put gum on your seat. I think our police do an an excellent job, day in and day out, working to keep us safe. That bogeyman, in your mind, are all Muslims (sic). Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the one who drafted the non-binding amendment passed by the Senate believes that people should be welcomed to the United States regardless of their nationality and faith.

“In our country, we have legislation that stops people entering the country”, she said. In other words, not you.

“In desperation and insanity, you call for a ban on all Muslims entering this country”.

“We are all Muslim”.

Trump’s recent proposal for a temporary ban following the attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., by a Muslim couple, have inspired an outpouring of support for, as well as denunciation of, Trump’s rhetoric. He promises to post each photo and send them to Trump. Oy. Moore hadn’t yet produced some of his biggest hits, like Fahrenheit 9/11 or Bowling for Columbine, but he had already made several documentaries examining America’s socioeconomic issues, which may have given the mogul pause.

Donald Trump won’t be getting Michael Moore’s vote.


The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to EW’s request for comment, and the candidate has not tweeted about Moore or the incident at Trump Tower.

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