
Michael Moore: Trump beats Hillary in November

Trump leads the Democratic nominee 39-37 percent in a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted over the weekend. “I trust Hillary Clinton with our son’s life”.


He said he will fire executives responsible for the department’s shortcomings, create a commission tasked with offering solutions to the problems and open up a 24-hour veterans hotline to make sure valid complaints are heard.

“This could keep me very busy at night, folks”.

Drawing chants of “Not a clue” from the floor of the convention, Biden took Trump, a reality TV host, to task for his trademark slogan, “You’re fired”.

Both candidates’ repeated visits highlight the state’s electoral importance: North Carolina is a battleground that could go to Democrats or Republicans in November.

“In a binary choice election – which is what this is – Trump benefits from the fact that he is simply not Clinton”.

With his running mate, Governor Mike Pence, sitting on the stage, Trump laid out a 10-point plan to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Regardless, this is the not first time Trump has stolen a spotlight.

As Reuters notes, Trump is now in the lead by two percentage points.

“It will be a variation of the same themes – the need to beat Trump and continue the fight for the issues he has highlighted throughout the campaign”, Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said. Trump has frequently castigated the performance of Veterans Administration hospitals and promised fixes.

Donald Trump so far has stayed away from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, but he has made his presence known on the campaign trail this week. “And I feel bad for saying that”.

He set a darker tone than Clinton, who said Monday that she doesn’t “understand people who trash-talk America”, and that she won’t be the candidate of “fear and smear” tactics.

Clinton may also be able to make such gains, if she can win over progressives who backed Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont during the primary and convince independents that she has the right experience and priorities for the job. “It is like she is trying to sweep it under the rug, which by the way politicians have done for years and years and years”. It was another sharp difference from Clinton’s approach Tuesday: She didn’t mention Trump by name once in her 30-minute address. Bill Clinton’s speech last night was excellent – complete BS, of course, but presented in Clinton’s usual excellent style – but that won’t really be much remembered after Thursday night when Hillary herself has to take the podium and speak.

Democratic strategists rejected the claim that the dearth of terrorism references is evidence that the party is downplaying the threat posed by ISIS.

After the cheers died down, he said: “And if you have any questions, go to the Philadelphia convention where all the Democrats are!”

“We have to save America”, Cooper said.

“Lock her up!” people shouted.

Axelrod agreed, saying, “I don’t think you can have a strategy to prove to skeptics that you’re trustworthy”. “Our most basic commitment to provide health and medical care has been violated completely”. On Tuesday, Assange said on CNN that “a lot more” material was coming but provided no details.

“Can you imagine the waste and corruption?” “Vote your conscience” is what he said.

“Our debt to you is eternal”, Trump told a gathering of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Charlotte.

“We can not screw this up”, he said. And it becomes even more hard when it seems as if every progressive candidate or action group is sending emails using the doom and gloom as a hook to raise money. Trump has faced scrutiny for his views on the military. Trump has widened his lead among men 50-38.


“We can’t be taken advantage of by these countries that we work so closely with”. “We want to be friends, but they also have to be friends with us”.

Divisions plague Democrats as they open convention to anoint Clinton