
Michelle Obama could be Hillary Clinton’s ace in the hole

White House spokesman Josh Earnest says he’s confident Mrs. Obama will be warmly received at the Democratic National Convention.


The call to order comes at 4:00 p.m. ET, though, and throughout the night of July 25, we will see speeches from Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders, Astrid Silva, Karla Ortiz and Francesca Ortiz, Pam Livengood, and Anastasia Somoza, among others.

However, the Clinton campaign said Monday that Sen.

According to The Washington Post, she will endorse Clinton, saying she believes the former secretary of state has the temperament and character to be president. Although the bureau ultimately decided not to recommend an indictment against Clinton, director James Comey noted that Clinton was “extremely careless”.

On the eve of the Democratic National Convention, Obama told CBS News that he was “clear-eyed” about what Clinton has to offer as president.

HollywoodLifers, will you be tuning in for the Democratic National Convention?

One of her duties tonight will be “to serve as a crucial validator for Hillary Clinton among groups who may remain skeptical of the party’s nominee”, the Post reports.

Monday’s speech will also be a bit of a change for Michelle Obama. Hillary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea, will have prime-time speaking slots on Thursday, when Clinton will officially accept the nomination. On the opening night of the Republican National Convention, Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, delivered a speech that contained passages lifted directly from Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention speech. “I will not do what she has done – I will not run for president”, she said.


After spending close to two days denying that the speech was plagiarized, Trump’s campaign pinned the blame on a staffer named Meredith McIver.

First lady Michelle Obama hosts the third annual'Beating the Odds summit with future college students at the White House on July 19 in Washington DC