
Michelle Obama Dismantled the Sexist Case Against Hillary

Let me tell you, Barack and I take that same approach to our jobs as president and first lady because we know that our words and actions matter, not just to our girls but the children across this country.


Looking ahead, Siriano remains focused on outfitting the women of the White House. She made grown men and women cry with joy, not only on that convention floor, but at home on their sofas.

For Clinton, the stakes are enormous. In an earlier statement, he accused Democrats of living in a “fantasy world”, ignoring economic and security troubles as well as Clinton’s controversial email use at the State Department.

But that appears to be about the worst thing he’s said about her.

Clinton has acknowledged that she is not a charismatic political figure.

Among the commotion that ensued, one highlight that has caught the attention of the country is the plagiarism scandal surrounding Melania Trump’s speech she delivered opening night of the RNC Monday, July 18.

A parade of speakers at the Philadelphia convention vigorously tried to do just that on Clinton’s behalf. But, if the reaction to her understated blue dress is an indication of anything, it’s that his first foray into political dressing was a smashing success, one that he might have the opportunity to replicate if/when Clinton takes office. Her speech wasn’t offering up the story of one black woman as a story of America; it suggested that America’s story was a black woman’s story as much as anyone else’s.

Clinton’s daughter, Chelsea Clinton, will introduce her mother.

Michelle Obama made the case for Clinton without even mentioning the Republican opponent Donald Trump in her speech, per Patch. “It shadows Ms Trump’s own American fairytale”.

Wednesday’s events in Philadelphia were aimed at contrasting the 68-year-old Clinton’s foreign policy skills with Trump’s “unsteady, unfit and risky approach”, Clinton campaign chair John Podesta said. Young women, hear Obama roar. Clinton can be trusted, she said, “to shape our children for the next four or eight years”.

Michelle Obama spoke of a country of people who have overcome obstacles. Obama took her story – which is the story of the country – and asked those watching to understand it in terms of the Clinton story.

Indeed, the Democratic convention has been a visual ode those mantras: The first African-American president symbolically seeking to hand the weightiest baton in the free world to a woman.

He evoked Ronald Reagan, something that drew criticism from Clinton when they were rivals, to contrast the Republican icon’s vision of America as “shining city on a hill” with Trump’s description of the “a divided crime scene”.

That effort was hammered home Wednesday by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who implored Americans to “elected a sane, competent person with sane, worldwide experience”.

Ret. Marine General John R. Allen, a former commander in Afghanistan, will underscore the same point.

Obama told the electrified audience that “we are always stronger together”, saying she wants a president “who will teach our children that everyone in this country matters”.

Trump’s comments fed Democrats’ contentions that the billionaire businessman is unqualified to be commander in chief.

Grabbing the spotlight at a news conference in Miami, Trump urged Russian Federation to find and release tens of thousands of emails that Clinton did not hand over to US officials as part of a probe into her use of a private email system while she was secretary of state.

Even a campaign volunteer didn’t find Hillary’s to be the best.


By lunchtime on Wednesday, the tweet had been shared more than 140,00 times and 380,000 people had liked it. When she formally accepts it on Thursday, she will become the Democratic standard-bearer against Republican nominee Trump in the November 8 election.

Michelle Obama DNC