
Michelle Obama to appear on May episode of CBS’ ‘NCIS’

The episode is set to air Tuesday, May 3 at 8 p.m. ET.


First Lady Michelle Obama is taking her charm and creative chops to the set of popular series, NCIS.

The episode is part of an initiative she started with Jill Biden called “Joining Forces” which aims to “build and strengthen support for military service members, veterans and military families”, according to CNN.

Britian’s Kate Duchess of Cambridge talks with United States first lady Michelle Obama in the Drawing Room of Kensington Palace, London, prior to a private dinner hosted by Prince William and Kate, Friday April 22, 2016.

Michelle Obama is ready for her close-up on “NCIS”. In the upcoming “NCIS” episode, spouses of actual military servicemen were also used as extras for the White House scene.

“Filming inside the White House was a dream come true for the “NCIS” cast and crew …” He thanks Obama for her “warm and welcoming” involvement and says NCIS is the first dramatic program to film inside the residence. “We feel honored and privileged”, Glasberg added.


Ultimately, this episode sounds like a great way for the show to pay tribute to a cause, involve real-life military spouses, and do something that we really hoped that they would do before the end of the series.

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