
Michelle Obama wears American designer Christian Siriano

On the first day, as they left with Secret Service agents, she said: “I saw those little faces up against the window and the only thing I could think, ‘What have we done?'”


The crowd at the DNC greeted the First Lady with loud cheers, and the internet resoundingly agreed, calling for a future Michelle Obama presidential campaign.

Trump got a post-RNC polling bump – with Nate Silver projecting Trump would win if the election was held today – but Clinton’s team downplayed the quick boost and said everyone should quit hyperventilating until the Democrats are done conventioning.

As for talk of political aspirations for the first lady herself, her husband has a big bucket of cold water at the ready.

“Don’t let anyone ever tell you that this country isn’t great, that somehow we need to make it great again, because this right now is the greatest country on earth”, she said, enthusiastically endorsing Democrat Hillary Clinton for president as delegates waved purple “Michelle” signs. And very quickly she was caricatured in some quarters as an angry black woman.

Either way, being out of the White House spotlight might allow her to use some of her star power to raise money for these causes. My all-time favorite party chair was Ray C. Bliss of OH, who took over after the Goldwater debacle and managed through his much-touted nuts and bolts strategy to put the party back together. “People believe she’s honest about the issue she’s concerned about”.

Obama also returned to the familiar themes of motherhood and family she spoke of at the 2008 convention. “It was an unfiltered opportunity”.

Obama described the “this great country where a girl from the South Side of Chicago can go to college and law school”. Did slaves build the White House? 4. “How we explain that when someone is cruel or acts like a bully you don’t stoop to their level”, she continued.

That speech was a resounding success.

But first, the wife and mother who lives in the White House criticized Donald Trump, who spent a lot of time before he ran for president pushing the storyline that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States.

The president lauded her performance. She recalled how their lives changed with the presidency, including their realization of how the experience would shape their children. Clinton’s campaign quickly added more Sanders’ supporters to the speakers lineup. And with confidence comes candor.

“What I admire most about Hillary is that she never buckles under pressure. I think she’s felt liberated to talk more openly about race and class”, Slevin said.

Everyone from Kerry Washington to Kelly Clarkson to the president himself gushed over the first lady’s speech.

Other burning questions people searched on Google. The New York businessman has called Warren “Pocahontas”, mocking her Native American heritage. “Now, it was satire, but if I’m really being honest, it knocked me back a bit”. While she has often avoided overt politics during her almost eight years in the White House, her frustration with Trump’s rise was evident.

She’s a pop culture icon whose videos go viral.


Michelle Obama is set to speak Monday at the Democratic National Convention.

Michelle Obama Spoke At The DNC And Everyone Wishes They Could Vote For Her