
Michigan opponents square off as Planned Parenthood investigation approaches

The majority, therefore, seem to be willing to reconcile their personal distaste with pregnancy terminations while supporting the rights of those who perhaps do not share their moral reservations. Men now hold a negative view of the organization, with 43 percent holding an unfavorable opinion of Planned Parenthood and 38 percent a favorable one.


United States Senator Deb Fischer says she voted for a short-term budget bill, because shutting down the federal government doesn’t accomplish anything.

The videos revealed Planned Parenthood discussing the procurment and sale of body parts from aborted babies. This has been completely discredited by every reputable news source.

An Ohio House panel began hearings Tuesday on bills to block public funding for Planned Parenthood and ban abortions within about 20 weeks of conception.

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland said it was looking at several options for returning to court quickly and seeking an expansion of Baker’s injunction. As The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway reported, both forensic reports, including one commissioned by Planned Parenthood, “assert that there is no dubbing or adjustment to the audio and no evidence of misrepresentative editing”. Critics have charged that no such video exists, but Fiorina maintains she has seen it. Period. A list of independent journalists and nationally respected fact checkers have debunked Fiorina’s charge.

Quinnipiac University has tracked Planned Parenthood’s popularity in three polls since 2012, allowing for a rough before-and-after comparison of the group’s image.

At last week’s hearing, Chaffetz said that he would not ask Daleiden to testify until he had received complete videos from the activists to settle the deception charges. Essentially their agenda in my opinion is a war against women.

Nearly all Republicans oppose legislation that would increase wages for women by promoting pay equity for women.

According to Blackburn, the committee’s creation is the first part of a three-pronged strategy devised to limit abortion rights in the wake of CMP’s fraudulent videos. These are the people that came up with the mockery of our 40 Days for Life devotionals – “40 Days of Prayer to Keep Abortion Safe and Legal”. They are accredited with providing affordable essential services such as pap smears and breast cancer screenings to women who might not have the financial means to otherwise receive these services. When Jeb Bush recently stated that he favored major cuts in women’s healthcare programs, he was speaking the truth about what he and other Republican candidates for president would do if elected. And what the Republicans are saying is that they want to go back.

Let me be clear: These issues aren’t easy.

“We understand that the House will soon have new leadership”, they wrote.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee have accused David Daleiden, the founder of the Center for Medical Progress, of engaging in “potentially illegal activities” during his undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood.


“What other issue could appeal to those who love life?” “Apparently, even though Republicans can’t find the money to fix our crumbling roads, bridges, and schools, they’re more than willing to waste millions of taxpayer dollars on yet another political stunt and threaten a costly shutdown”.

WASHINGTON DC- SEPTEMBER 16 Protesters hold signs protesting Planned Parenthood in front of the Longworth House Office Building on Capitol Hill