
Michigan regulators suspended over Flint water crisis

Reverend LaTesa Callaway is originally from Flint, Michigan. Still, some of the most vulnerable members in the community are not being helped. “Your attendance will be enough. That is why we want to focus more on educating families on diet and the things they can control to mitigate any impact”. On Thursday, Peter Grevatt, director of the EPA’s Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, spent almost 1 1/2 hours briefing congressional staff members on the crisis, but refused to answer questions from a reporter afterwards as he was hustled outside by his staff. Requests to interview Hedman have gone unanswered as well. The documents provided to the Guardian are said to point out Philadelphia, Detroit, and Rhode Island state as being among places using these misleading methods.


The governor has since appealed the decision, which said Flint’s crisis didn’t meet the legal definition of a “major disaster”, as it was not the result of a natural catastrophe. They would never do this to Ann Arbor. Lambrinidou told The Guardian that more rigorous oversight will reveal more offenders: “There is no way that Flint is a one-off”.

“This is bigger than the city can handle financially … so we need some federal assistance”, Weaver said. This story isn’t just about Flint. Later on previous year, lead poisoning became prevalent among children, which lead to the Flint water crisis. Some bottled waters are nothing more than tap water or have not been tested, says the CDC.

John tells News 10, “The Flint video seemed like an obvious target to me, but my friends told me I shouldn’t touch it. Obviously this is a sensitive subject matter and, quite frankly, not very amusing”.

Buckley’s symptoms were far from unique.

Last fall, however, it was confirmed that the water tested for high levels of lead, at which point a state of emergency was declared. “My bones hurt. Heavy metals are not supposed to go through our bodies”.

Asked by Joy Behar whether Snyder should take responsibility and step down as governor, she said, “Oh yeah”. “This isn’t something we’re stuck with”.

The scandal has been exacerbated by the seemingly nonchalant attitude of city officials to the outcry from residents, many of them poor blacks. It was met with cheers from the crowd. He previously served on three other state science advisory panels.

“Water bottles are a temporary fix”.

Some said they were having skin problems, or their hair was falling out, or they were having other medical issues. The plan has since been approved by the MI house of representatives, and is pending in the state senate.

Vehicles make their way through downtown Flint, Mich., Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016.

School, health and community leaders say they are anxious and often afraid, but they are using experience and expertise to survive the man-made disaster while bracing for the next wave of the water crisis in the already economically-pressed city. “This could happen anywhere, to anyone”.

In Flint, also known as “vehicle city”, a lack of transportation hinders some from getting the health care they need, says E. Yvonne Lewis.

This article comes from The USA TODAY College Contributor network.


The opinions expressed in this article are exclusively those of the author and are not necessarily those of World Religion News. In terms of public safety, we’ve done a lot.

The Michigan crisis is hitting close to home