
Michigan’s minimum wage rising 35 cents to $8.50 an hour

These changes are the final implementation of increases outlined in legislation passed in March 2013. “For the first time in 12 years in 2016, we are raising the entrance fee to get into the zoo”. The increase will help close California’s growing income equality gap and it will provide additional economic stimulus for our state.


Kohn: Donald Trump and anti-women bullying
Clinton wouldn’t weigh in on whether she thought Trump was targeting her as a woman when he made the original statement. She’s just a little girl, ‘ said Hannah Tandy’s mother Lexie, in an interview with the Des Moines Register .

Coming with the new year is a hike of 75 cents in our state’s minimum wage. “The industry may be justified in opposing immediate, large hikes in the minimum wages, but data do not support opposition to all minimum wage increases”, write Michael Lynn and Christopher Boone in their paper, “Have Minimum Wage Increases Hurt the Restaurant Industry?”

Shahid Kapoor plays an army officer in Vishal Bhardwaj’s ‘Rangoon’
He (Saif) is very professional, nobody could have done the role like him. “I have shot with him for around two days”. The stars, who have developed a great working relationship with each other, seem to be all praises for each other.

If Portland mirrors the national figures assembled by the Congressional Budget Office, an increased minimum wage will put money into the hands of people who need it most.

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket
Safely landing rockets is also expected to herald improvements in propulsion that would make humans land and take off from Mars. There is no denying the fact that bringing it back and then landing it right was something that many thought was impossible.

State law requires employers to post information on wages, hours and working conditions at a worksite area accessible to employees.

For years, Washington’s minimum wage has been the highest in the country.

And for tipped workers, like waiters and bartenders, their pay will rise. The Golden State’s minimum-wage increases from $9 to $10 an hour on January 1. However the minimum wage might not be – and it usually isn’t – enough to make a living.

He criticized the “sort of ridiculous statements” from the business community claiming a wage increase will result in job loss.

Three increases in the minimum wage in NY will take effect tomorrow. She shows up early to work each day, is loyal to her employers and is well liked by her coworkers.

The minimum wage will now be $9.60 per hour, up from $9.15.

Female workers in California get new tools to challenge gender-based wage gaps under a law supporters say offers the strongest equal-pay protection in the nation.

The Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) calculates the minimum wage annually as required under Initiative 688, which voters approved in 1998.


There is no evidence that it was the minimum wage that boosted the local economy, but there is also none for the warnings that businesses would close, relocate and shed employees.

The Brilliant Simplicity of a Guaranteed Minimum Income