
Microsoft Responds to Apple with its Surface Pro 4

While the iPad Pro does have its fans, most agree that the device is overpriced and falls short of what Microsoft’s Pro line of tablets offers. We wrote about how silly a concept that is, at least in the iPad Pro’s current state.


Despite the change in [tablet] direction for Apple, sales haven’t exactly rebounded for Apple.

Just weeks away from the regular season kickoff to the 2016 National Football League season, Microsoft can help you dress up your Surface Pro 4 with the logo of your favorite National Football League team.

The commercial has a similar vibe to Microsoft previous ads in 2013 and 2014 touting products like the Surface and Cortana, from “Crowded” to “Head to Head” to “Power” to “Groundhog Day” to “Lost” to “Remind Me“. The iPad Pro of course is running iOS.

“Like I said, I just got a keyboard”, Siri says. Microsoft says it opted to go full-on with the branding after Paul Allen’s custom Surface 3 Seahawks cover proved a hit on Twitter – though the replies on the tweet also predictably turned into a customer support forum for people to complain about their issues with the tablet.


The commercial pokes fun at the fact how the iPad Pro now has a keyboard while the Surface Pro 4 is significantly more powerful with an i7 CPU.

Microsoft emblazons its Surface Pro Type Covers with giant NFL logos