
Microsoft Sends Cringe-Worthy Invite to ‘Bae Interns,’ Then Apologizes

Almost 3,000 people have retweeted the colorful (literally, just check out those neon Microsoft Word fonts, that’ll definitely bring in the cool interns) email since it was posted online Tuesday.


Twitter user Patrick Burtchaell shared a hilarious, at times puzzling and definitely embarrassing email that his roommate received from a Microsoft recruiter, Kim.

Microsoft apologises for trying to get its “bae interns” high by offering “lots of dranks” and the ability to “get lit” on a Monday night. It also ended with “HELL YES TO GETTING LIT ON A MONDAY NIGHT!” which obviously led to more than a few people posting it social media.

“There will be hella noms, lots of dranks, the best beats and just like a year ago we’re breaking out the Yammer beer pong tables!”

The company hired the ladies to work at their official Xbox party at the Game Developer Conference in San Francisco.

Microsoft has apologised for an attempt to invite students to a party using an email that crowbarred teenage slang in at every opportunity.

Microsoft is really down with the kids if this message is anything to go by.

It seems Microsoft may still have a thing or two to learn about throwing adequate parties, but at least there will be “hella noms”.

Responding to the debacle, a spokesman for Microsoft said: ‘The email was poorly worded and not in keeping with our values as a company.


The company sent the above email to its interns in the Bay Area. “We are looking into how this occurred and will take appropriate steps to address it”.
