
Microsoft Talks How Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Works With Games with Gold

As an early Black Friday lure for buyers, Microsoft has packaged the Xbox One with the Gears of War Ultimate Edition and Fallout 4, deploying both with an extra controller for only $299 as mentioned above. “The other commitment we make to you with backward compatibility – over the next year we’ll continue to innovate and improve on the console month after month, just like we’ve been doing since we launched Xbox One”.


“This game isn’t about your skill with a controller, it’s about how you perceive and analyse situations”, the game’s description on Steam reads. That’s because all 360 games in the program from here on in will be backwards compatible.

With new games are coming out in the last quarter of 2015, it’s even more compelling to snag the Microsoft Xbox One and thanks to Black Friday 2015, sticker price of the console as well titles and controllers are going south. In addition, Xbox One owners can still pick up The Walking Dead Season One, as it remains free until November 15. On the other hand, Xbox 360 owners can receive “Dungeon Siege” for free from November 16 to November 30.

“For us, since frankly since we’ve been in this business, we’ve really focused on over-delivering on value”. Gamers can test their auto control to the very limi and drift, spin-dry and jump their way to stardom.

The biggest feature in the update will be the ability to play Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One. For the first time in the Dirt series, players will enjoy the unique and exhilarating spectacle of racing on snow.

He explains, “You can scroll down to see the list of your most recently played games and apps, and each tile has contextual items that allow you to easily see messages straight from the developer, see which friends are playing games, and share your latest game clips and screenshots”.


Lastly, someone asked Ybarra if the Xbox One marketplace will ever show Xbox 360 games sometime in the near future. Experience the greatest games lineup in Xbox history-exclusively on Xbox One.

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