
Migrants attempt to jump trains from France to Britain

Acting leader of the main opposition Labour party Harriet Harman said Mr Cameron should “remember he is talking about people, not insects”.


Cameron was expected to speak to French President Francois Hollande later on Friday to discuss the issue.

“When reflecting on British government’s approach towards the Calais crisis, this really betrays the British leadership think of these people and show that the leadership considers them less than human beings”, said London-based Activist and Journalist Sukant Chandan told Press TV.

Mr Cameron will then reportedly go on holiday in this country next week.

His organisation has launched a petition calling for the French Government to deploy its military to restore law and order.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Tim Farron also accused Cameron of “dehumanizing migrants”. Your discussions with the French government should therefore include a request for compensation backed up by any diplomatic pressure that may become necessary.

British PM David Cameron has been viciously attacked for describing the swarm of humanity trying to invade his country as a “swarm.” “The French authorities are not dealing with this situation, which is getting worse by the day”, she said this week.

After a fourth night of disorder at Calais, when the French authorities faced more than 1,000 attempts by migrants to reach the tunnel, striking French ferry workers added to the misery by burning tyres to block routes to the port.

The UK is offering to replace green mesh fencing at the Eurotunnel entrance perimeter in Coquelles with solid fencing of the type normally seen at North Atlantic Treaty Organisation summits, in addition to more Border Force search and dog teams.

“Four thousand migrants are based in a refugee camp near Calais, many of whom are attempting to cross into the UK on a nightly basis”.

The fresh attempts came despite the death of a man, believed to be a Sudanese national and aged between 25 and 30, who was crushed by a lorry on Tuesday. He is the ninth person to have been killed trying to access the the tunnel since the start of June.

And France has beefed up security, recently sending 120 police officers to Calais.

“The prime minister set out his concern about the impact that repeated illegal migrant incursions into the Eurotunnel is having on both sides of the Channel”, a Downing Street spokesperson said after the meeting.

Mr Bill, of Swadlincote, said: “In all of the years I have been driving, this is the worst it is has ever been”.

Kent Police kept Operation Stack in place on the coastbound carriageway of the M20 between junctions 8 and 9 – Maidstone to Ashford – with non-freight traffic able to rejoin the motorway south of this stretch.


Kent Police could not say whether the men had been detained.

French police stop migrants on their way to catch a train to reach England in Calais France