
Mike Pence breaks with Donald Trump by endorsing Paul Ryan

Donald Trump’s campaign manager said “there’s conflict within the Trump campaign” over the Republican nominee not endorsing the House speaker, but that Trump will eventually support Paul Ryan in the election because his opponent won’t win the primary.


Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was “quite furious” with Trump’s handling of the Khan situation and his failure to endorse Ryan comments, a Republican source told Reuters. “I talked to Donald Trump this morning about my support for Paul Ryan”. We need very, very strong leadership.

“I think what Donald trump said is he is not there yet”.

Donald Trump declined to support Paul Ryan’s re-election bid in Wisconsin. Some of the worst abuses of veterans have occurred at Arizona Veterans Administration hospitals. John McCain just two weeks after pledging to bring the fractured GOP together at the party’s nominating convention.

Then, when you add all the insults he has thrown at women, Muslims, immigrants, and African-Americans, to the crying baby incident at his rally in Virginia this week, you can not be surprised at yesterday’s news reports out of the United States of mounting alarm among top Republican Party officials. “I believe we need Paul Ryan in leadership”.

Ryan did receive an endorsement Wednesday from Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who will rally with Trump in Green Bay on Friday, August 5th.

We let Isis take this position. At a Monday campaign event, Trump said his campaign had raised .8 million in small donations over the course of a month.

Manafort spoke after NBC News reported that Priebus, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani were planning an “intervention” to try to persuade Trump to reset his campaign.

“I’m just not there yet”, Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post on Tuesday.

Party leaders were reportedly deeply frustrated with Trump’s recent behaviour, including attacking the parents of a fallen soldier who had spoken out against him at the Democratic convention and remarks that he would not endorse Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in a primary election. Both high-profile Republicans have endorsed Trump for president but they have criticized many of his comments and policy proposals.

For about 10 minutes, Nehlen stood before TV cameras and laid into Ryan for being “selfish” for not being more supportive of Trump ― all the while reading from a script held right in front of him by a campaign staffer.

After Trump’s rebuke of Ryan and McCain was made public yesterday, Pence met with McCain before a rally in Phoenix.

The Trump campaign continued to push back against other unconfirmed media reports that its operation was in turmoil.

Senior party officials, having grown frustrated by the unpredictability of their presidential candidate, are actively exploring how to replace him on the ballot “if he drops out”, the ABC News report said.


“Rather than engage in a back-and-forth, the Speaker is going to remain focused entirely on ensuring we deliver strong Republican majorities this fall.”

Trump refuses to back House Speaker