
Mike Pence dismisses charge that Donald Trump was manipulated by Vladimir Putin

Democratic presidential candidates tend to win that district if they also win the state by 10 percentage points or more, Franklin said.


Since formally accepting the Republican nomination two weeks ago, Trump has exasperated many supporters by getting bogged down in a public spat with the parents of an American soldier killed in Iraq and some fellow Republicans.

Trump has been divisive in his rhetoric during his campaign railing against immigrants, Muslims, veterans, and most recently crying babies in his audience.

“Trump calls for the building of a wall, defaming and slandering Mexican people-well, what if we turn his words against him, and wall him in?”

“But none of this is surprising from an Administration that allowed its Secretary of State to threaten the country with a private email server, delete her records, and lie about it to us all”, he said.

Lashing out at Trump, the Club said he “simply” does not possess the “temperament and character” necessary to lead the United States through an “increasingly perilous world” and in response to any “slight-perceived or real”, he lashes out “viciously and irresponsibly”.

Democrats, including President Barack Obama, have begun arguing that Trump poses a unique danger to democracy. “That’s the kiss-ass generation we’re in right now”. There’s also a tracking poll from LAT/USC that had shown Trump still ahead coming out of the convention, but now shows Clinton with a small lead. The people who are supposed to know these things are calling the 6th CD race a toss-up, although you may want to note that these same people were calling it a toss-up at this point in 2014, too.

“I never heard of somebody complaining about being cheated before the game is over”, Mr. Obama said during a news conference today.

“Of course the election will not be rigged”.

Trump’s rough patch has contributed to a dip in support in some battleground states.

Most frustrating to other Republicans, the calls for GOP leaders to repudiate Trump for his growing list of offenses distract from their efforts to undermine Clinton. “Democrats, Republicans independents. We’re going to pull America together again”.

Some have received encouragement from Clinton and members of her campaign staff.

“He is a new candidate”, Giuliani said of Trump. What I will say is that they have been told these are classified briefings. “There’s still time, he can do it if he can stay on track and stay focused”.

Manafort said that Trump’s dropping poll numbers “were expected” and that he expected the numbers to even out soon. “[Ronald Reagan] would be ashamed of Donald Trump”.

Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trump refused to pay almost 0,000 to a local Nevada drapery company which had to close its factory.

Concern about Trump has spilled into at least one congressional race.

“I’ll sort of address this to any additional Trump questions – I would ask all of you to just make your own judgment”.

Here’s the actual Coffman quote: “It’s hard for me to see at this point in time that Trump could change to the extent that I would lend my name to his campaign”.

The early days of the general election campaign have been a contortionist act for Pence, who has remained loyal to Trump while trying to maintain his reputation as a principled, down-to-earth Midwesterner with the primary mission of acting as an emissary to the conservative and evangelical wings of the Republican Party.

“It just seems that he’s, at times, hell-bent on losing a very winnable election to a very seriously flawed candidate: Hillary Clinton”, Dent said.


Trump tweeted Friday that “The plane I saw on television was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not the plane carrying $400 million in cash going to Iran!” This news story is related to Latest/140324-Amid-campaign-turmoil-Trump-allies-urge-him-to-get-back-on-track/ – breaking news, latest news, pakistan ne.

Convention 'bounce' ain't what it used to be