
Mike Pence Endorses Holcomb for Governor

Infrastructure is important. These are all things that Governor Pence has done remarkable things in IN on.


Pence will speak at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night.

Sasso disagreed. “He may have helped himself slightly with core Republican voters”, the Democrat said. During his time in Congress, before becoming governor in 2012, he repeatedly called for taking away federal funding for Planned Parenthood.

“I’m pinching myself to make sure this is not a dream”, Cardwell said.

The group chose to launch their war against Pence with a full charge against Pence’s alleged war on women’s rights.

When so much darkness seems to be surrounding our world, Donald Trump and Mike Pence would not only be the wrong equation for America, but more importantly, they would fail to add up to the dreams and hopes that our founders envisioned for our country.

Cruz’s “will he, or won’t he” drama has overshadowed Mike Pence’s prime-time speech.

Pence played to conservatives in criticizing President Barack Obama for taking “unconstitutional actions” through his use of executive action on immigration and gun control.

You know, it’s not easy speaking from center stage at a major political convention.

He said Trump is known for his “charisma” and “large personality”.

Delegate Tomie Patton, of Avon Lake, said she initially wasn’t impressed with Pence when he was first announced as Trump’s running mate, but that changed after she saw him during a televised interview.

So here’s a question: If certain people are to be believed, Pence couldn’t stand Trump until the VP discussions started.

We must decide here and now that Hillary Clinton will never become president of the United States of America…for the sake of a Supreme Court that will uphold the sanctity of life, our Second Amendment and our God-given liberties, we must elect Donald Trump as the 45 president of the United States of America.

Pence had the crowd cheering after an unprecedented convention uproar caused an hour earlier by Texas. Sen. Ted Cruz, Eric Trump, and GOP nominee Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, Mike Pence.

In a surreal moment, Trump unexpectedly walked into the arena just as Cruz was wrapping up his remarks.

Republicans have used their convention to rally loyalists, but fissures have persisted after a brutal primary battle in which Trump defeated 16 rivals.

“I guess he was just looking for some balance on the ticket”, Pence said. “Trump!” Cruz told Americans to vote their “conscience” and did not mention Trump’s name – a response that was returned with boos from those in attendance.

As Cruz brought his speech to its apex, he could have walked off stage and no one would have realized he didn’t make the endorsement.


“I am as honored today to receive Governor Pence’s support as I was when answering his call to serve as Lt. Governor”, Holcomb said in a statement.

Vice presidential candidate Mike Pence acknowledges the audience at the end of the third day of the Republican National Convention