
Mike Pence Endorses Paul Ryan, Says He Got the Go-Ahead From Trump

Trump’s phrasing was similar to comments from Ryan, who was slow to endorse Trump.


“America’s been humiliated in so many different ways”, proclaimed Trump, who rallied his supporters as usual without a teleprompter, although he did appear to glance at notes on his podium. Polls this summer by Marquette University Law School find 84-percent of Republicans and independents in Ryan’s district have a favorable opinion of him, with just a 9-percent unfavorable rating.

Republicans are increasingly, and publicly, frustrated with their nominee over an nearly baffling number of decisions like his public feud with the Khan family, and his shock announcement to The Washington Post that he was not ready to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan in his August 9 Wisconsin primary. “He takes this very personally”, said the source.

He also criticized Trump’s wildly undisciplined campaign in the days since the Republican convention.

“I can not emphasize how deeply I disagree with Mr Trump’s statement”, John McCain said, referring to the claim that the Khan family had no right to criticize Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, Pence, who is the Governor of IN, told Fox News that Ryan is an old friend and said that he is a “strong conservative leader”, who – if re-elected – will do “great things”.

Mr. Priebus is debating the best way to demonstrate solidarity with Mr. Ryan, ranging from a formal endorsement to an email publicly stating his support, said three people with knowledge of Mr. Priebus’s internal discussions.

Pence, who is also close to Ryan after the two served together in the House, said Wednesday Ryan is a “strong conservative leader”.

On Tuesday, President Obama questioned Trump’s fitness to be president.

Top GOP officials in the Republican party are reportedly exploring how to handle the possibility of Donald Trump quitting the race, according to an ABC News report.

Washington was still trying to come to terms with one of the most freaky days in recent campaign history on which President Barack Obama slammed Trump as unfit for the presidency and the GOP standard-bearer effectively declared war on his own party by refusing to endorse Ryan and Arizona Sen. The response indicated that Manafort, a veteran of Republican politics brought in this spring for the transition from primaries to the general election, has lost control over his candidate.

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CALLER: And we haven’t seen one thing going after Hillary Clinton. “He’s hurting himself and hurting the cause”.

Asked about Paul Nehlen, his primary opponent, who is telling voters that the speaker is aligned with Clinton, Ryan didn’t mention him by name, but said he is “making stuff up to try and make it stick”.

RUSH: You mean from the Republican side, not the media. We always thought that.

And the woman who helped shape New Jersey Govenor Chris Christie’s national image declared that she is voting for Mrs Clinton.


Campaign chairman Paul Manafort and other staffers “feel like they are wasting their time”, CNN reported Wednesday.

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