
Mike Pence Rallies in Michigan, Calls Trump ‘Pro

Pence was in Grand Rapids all day Thursday, making a stop at the Kent County Republican Party headquarters with U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland.


9&10’s Cody Boyer and photojournalist Jeff Blakeman continue our coverage of what the GOP vice-presidential nominee had to say.

“You know, in NASCAR, they say rubbing is racing”, Pence said at the time.

The president took a pass at the Republican nominee in his primetime convention address on Wednesday and didn’t attach the “demagogue” characterization directly to Trump. “We’ve seen America’s stature in the world decline and stifling policies of this administration”.

After delivering a stump speech about Trump, the in governor took questions from the audience for about 16 minutes, one of which was about how Trump will work with a Congress closely aligned with big business campaign donors.

Then – he opened the floor to questions. “The reporter attempted to enter the media area after the security sweep was conducted, and was denied access by event staff”.

“I think one of the reasons Cruz did as well here is because there really was no other option – he was the only Trump alternative”, said Williams, 55, who voted for Cruz in the primary because Trump could be “a jerk at times”.

“I was stunned by that”, Pence said.

Having Pence on the ticket could smooth over any lingering concerns with voters like Tom Williams, of Waukesha.

Pence says Kaine is the flawless candidate for someone who is going to grow government, raise taxes, and press down on a struggling economy. “And you know, one of the reasons-and this is 100 percent-one of the reasons I chose Mike was because IN, under his leadership, has done so well”. “If you like Hillary Clinton, you should get used to more of the same of what we’ve seen in recent years, being subject to unelected judges using unaccountable power to take unconstitutional action”.


Pence’s essay, however, touches on a more fundamental ideological difference between the two running mates: Pence said winning, as a goal in a political campaign, “comes very much last.” “Men and women of OH, you have nominated a man for president who never quits, who never backs down, who is a fighter and a victor”.

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