
Mike Pence says Trump is unstoppable

“I talked to Donald Trump this morning about my support for Paul Ryan, and our longtime friendship, he strongly encouraged me to endorse Paul Ryan in next Tuesday’s primary and I’m pleased to do it”, Pence, who served in the House with Ryan for 12 years.


Ryan did receive an endorsement Wednesday from Trump’s running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who will rally with Trump in Green Bay on Friday, August 5th.

Trump stunned Republicans by telling The Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that he wasn’t ready to endorse Ryan, who faces a primary contest in Wisconsin next week.

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence says running mate Donald Trump is unstoppable.

In an interview with the Washington Post, Donald Trump said he was not going to back Paul Ryan in the Wisconsin primary next week, nor would he be backing John McCain in his primary in Arizona later in the month.

Not just you but all of us keep according larger historical sense to his candidacy and trying to fit it into pre-existing frames, but I fear that when we do that, we minimize the outright outrage and singular farce of it.

“America’s been humiliated in so many different ways”, proclaimed Trump, who rallied his supporters as usual without a teleprompter, although he did appear to glance at notes on his podium.

The dispute over Trump’s treatment of the Khans was the latest rift in a party frayed by dissent over the candidate.

“One of the the things that seems to be coming apparent about how Donald Trump operates is that he’s very much kind of a personal politician in the sense that if you do something for him, he’ll do something for you”, Shober said.

But he also says that Trump “has had a pretty unusual run since the convention”.

“I don’t think it’s almost as big a bombshell as people are making it out to be”, Carson said. A Fox News poll released on Wednesday showed that Mr. Trump’s approval has declined to 39 percent and the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is leading by 10 points. There is one major difference: Ryan hasn’t taken the race or district for granted. On Tuesday, Trump attacked him and House Speaker Paul Ryan, saying he would not endorse either Republican in their re-election efforts.

The Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns were invited to speak at the conference. Walker says he’ll be visiting northern Wisconsin, meeting with residents and local officials who are recovering from a damaging flash flood last month.

Trump on Wednesday dismissed suggestions that the GOP frustration was hurting his campaign.

Nehlen also criticized Ryan’s stance on immigration, refugees and trade.


“There’s just no sense of decency from this man”, Rick Tyler, a Republican strategist who worked for Ted Cruz, told Politico. Both are Trump allies. “We’ve sort of had a rule of not getting involved in primaries because it’s usually not a good situation for the presidential candidate”, Manafort said.

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