
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher Bought Wedding Rings on Etsy for $190

Hey, when it’s true love, you don’t need anything too flashy! She also revealed, while chatting on Conan, that she rarely wears that ring, and instead is usually seen with just her wedding band on. But here’s the best part ― they cost a combined total of $190.


Oh, and she ordered them online.

She wasn’t the only player who had to eat a disgusting offering, after Christina asked James who his least favourite participant of his Carpool Karaoke sketch was.

The Bad Moms actress revealed her thrifty side in a Conan interview on Wednesday night.

“I wanted the thinnest possible platinum band”, Mila Kunis – who married Ashton Kutcher in a covert ceremony last July – disclosed during an appearance on Conan this week, reports US Weekly. Although she didn’t get into great detail, Mila did tell the story of how she found their wedding bands, which definitely did not go down the way many people might have assumed. “I was like, ‘They’re how much? It’s super, super thin”, she said. Sometimes they are even more casual, even when it comes to their wedding bands. “I’ve been talking to you for years and I’ve always loved the fact that you are frugal”, said O’Brien.

Kunis was up first, and Corden didn’t make things easy for her with his question: “Ashton Kutcher: Carrot stick or beer can?”

The platinum ring has been widely estimated to contain a five carat diamond, placing it around the US$345,000 (NZ$484,000) mark.

“My husband and I got married … and he got me a attractive engagement ring”, she told the Conan O’Brien.

Mila Kunis bought her wedding ring for $90 on Etsy.

Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell turned heads on the red carpet on Tuesday.

The couple had a private wedding a year ago.

“We really didn’t want helicopters at our wedding and it’s a legitimate concern”. In between jobs I spend the majority of my time with my daughter so she knows I’m there.


The couple are already parents of 21-month-old daughter Wyatt, who Kunis called “really amusing and incredibly bossy”, adding that “she’s very strong-willed”.

Mila Kunis reveals where she bought inexpensive $90 wedding bands