
Milford Haven School celebrates best ever GCSE exam results

The overall GCSE result is significantly higher than both regional and national averages.


When these two core subjects are combined, 76 per cent were awarded a grade C or better in both English and maths.

In all 18 students achieved outstanding individual results achieving eight or more A*/A grades.

Hope Valley College students have celebrated another year of GCSE success.

In the year when the standard of GCSEs continues to be strengthened, changes have occurred at exam board level and new national measures of performance have been introduced, Campion students have achieved highly.

Collectively, the students have achieved 205 A*s, 384 As and 1,652 A-C grades.

Although physics was not his strong subject, James still managed to get an A*.

Charlie Jolly, who achieved A grades in English, English Literature, Maths, Media and the equivalent of A* in Art and Design. “I got all A grades!”

Headteacher Helena Boast said: “Earlier this year we achieved a “Good” Ofsted inspection which confirmed that we are seeing a pattern of improved achievement in all year groups in the school and this is reflected in the improved results this year”.

Nathan achieved nine A*s, four As and a B; James achieved seven A*s, five As and a B; and Hannah one A* six As and three Bs.

“Borden has achieved its best results for many years and I am delighted for students, parents and staff alike”, he added.

The school is particularly proud of its English results after 78 per cent of pupils made three levels of progress. We are very proud of them and they deserve this success. Several of Anthony Gell’s year 11 were celebrating a set of GCSE results which included five or more A*s.

Of the 129 candidates who sat papers this summer, 56 per cent achieved A*-C grades in both these core subjects, up three per cent on past year.

Pupils at Jarrow School were over the moon when they picked up their GCSE results today. I would like to congratulate the students.

And do share with your family and friends – so they don’t miss out!


Lady Christine Edwards, principal of the academy, said she is delighted at the outcome.

“Stunning” GCSE successes at Denbigh school