
‘Mine’s the red one’: Team Great Britain’s baggage collection fail

Luckily, Team GB were on a high from their 67-medal win and seen the amusing side of it.


Seems like the Olympic dream sure turned into baggage claim nightmare for the athletes.

After a long flight home from Rio de Janeiro, the athletes quickly found that their show of solidarity and team spirit – in the form of matching red backpacks – wasn’t all that smart in hindsight.

Some 320 athletes had to sift through a sea of identical red bags.

Matching uniforms are the buzzword at the Olympics, and each nation meticulously chooses its colour and design to showcase its nationalistic pride.

Rowing gold medalist Alex Gregory chimed in with “Anyone seen my red bag?” and windsurfing silver medalist Nick Dempsey added “Mine’s the red one!”


In the middle of this confusion athletes chipped in some fun, gymnast Becky Downie posted a video of the harrowing scene at Heathrow Airport.’Having lots of fun.’Spot your bag.’ she wrote.

Olympic Athletes