
Minister’s Visit to Drought-Hit Latur Costs 1000 Liters of Water

Mumbai: A special train carrying around five lakh litres of water for the parched Latur in Marathwada region of Maharashtra, left today from Miraj, in Maharashtra.


ANI reported that thousands of litres of water was wasted in the preparation of the helipad which Khadse’s helicopter needed to land on. “Water was used so that the dust doesn’t spread in the air which could have cause breathing problems to the people around, to the passengers or the pilot”.

In a glaringly display of utter insensitivity, almost 10,000 litres of water was used for the helipad of Maharashtra minister Eknath Khadse, who arrived in Latur to review the drought situation.

Meanwhile, ruling BJP spokesperson, Shaina NC, defended the Khadse saying, “Khadseji is a senior minister not keeping greatest of health”.

What raised the Congress hackles was the fact that Khadse took a chopper to a venue which was a 40-minute drive from Latur. “I was not aware about it. I feel that if water is necessary for building a particular system, then it must be used”, Khadse told reporters. Looking only at his own convenience, Khadse chose to travel to Belkund in a helicopter instead of taking the road.

As per a report, a temporary helipad was constructed for Khadse’s visit to Latur.

People in Latur only see a water tanker once in 8 days.


The city has around 5 lakh population and its daily water requirement is 20 million litres per day. Experts said the amount of water wasted in creating the helipad would have sufficed the drinking needs of an entire village.

SHAME! Thousands of litres of water wasted for Eknath Khadse's visit to drought-hit Latur