
Minn. Hunters Gearing Up For Firearm Deer Season

“Many hunters look forward to deer season all year as a way to enjoy nature and the outdoors, and reconnect with family”, said Steve Merchant, wildlife populations and regulations program manager with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.


However, deer license sales are comparable to sales for the same period over the past three years. If you purchase this license you can not purchase a second one.

What changed from past year?

For those who have not completed a hunter education course in time, the Hunter Education Exemption Permit is an option. I could fill my freezer with deer sticks, brauts and summer sausage. So I don’t need to shoot a deer to have deer to eat.

Hunters in the Perham area had success and a season that rivaled the 2013 season.

Most of Arkansas’ deer are killed during the modern firearms deer season, with a large portion of those taken on opening day.

Hunters, particularly archery hunters, love this time of year because it’s when deer are most active and the activity increases chances for a successful hunt because of the likelihood that a deer will walk near their tree stands or ground blinds.

Her name is Lori Heitkamp. Most years, the club has between 500 and 600 hunters sight in their rifles.

– Only take good shots into a vital organ. The best shot is made on a broadside or quarter-away deer and hits the heart and lungs. If they’re purchased after shooting hours open (a half-hour before sunrise), they’re not valid until the following day.

The game commission employs acceptable prorating methods for the herd harvest because for a few reason deer hunters often don’t report their harvests.

Hunters may take a total of four deer statewide. I found out later that my hunting cousin, Bob, has also received a permit. This helps to avoid shooting another hunter.

To begin with a base license is now required by all hunters.

And finally if you are in an area that falls under the license quota the the Deer Management Unit has set up, you may purchase an Anterless deer license. Losing a injured deer is a real shame. Their limit was one deer of either sex and the antler point restriction did not apply during the early youth hunt. You can find out more and give feedback here. I think that this is pretty darn cool.

Firearm season is finally here and the DNR is making it easier to access hunting information from your desktop or cell phone. “There have been a few deer harvested”. He knew something was up but just could not figure out what it was and where it was coming from. A buck does not reach old age in farm country without being far smarter than the average. Many big bucks will only move around at night after the legal shooting hours. Normally, this can be a very long and boring wait as deer roam about mostly at dawn and dusk.

In Minnesota, they time the hunting season to correspond with the rut.

While the state park deer hunt lottery is over, it’s not too late to get your hunt going. This buck more than qualifies.


You can get these brochures at the tax collectors’ offices in close proximity to the WMA, or you can download them from

Staying safe during firearm deer hunting season