
Minnesota jobless rate falls to lowest level in nearly 15 years

Merced County saw the biggest unemployment rate jump as its rate went to 10.9 percent from 9 percent one month earlier.


The Colorado jobless rate for November remains well below the national rate, which remained unchanged at 5 percent. The number of jobless South Carolinians has dropped by 23,150 during 2015 – more than three times last year’s total. More than 2.1 million had jobs, an increase of more than 9,000 from October.

Full employment is a state of the economy in which all eligible people who want to work can find employment at prevailing wages.

Looking over the longer term, employers added 73,000 jobs between November of a year ago and this November, for a growth rate of 1.7 percent.

Arkansas had an unemployment rate of 5.1 percent in October.

Over the year, nonfarm payroll jobs increased 44,200, with increases of 40,200 in the private sector and 4,000 in government.

Florida reported the largest job gain in November, with 35,200, followed by Texas with 16,300.

County rates for November are scheduled to be released by ODJFS on Tuesday, December 22.

North Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate, at 2.7 percent, even though it has lost more than 13,000 jobs, or almost 3 percent of its total, in the past year.

Trade, transportation and utilities added 3,700 jobs in November, 2,600 of them in retail trade as stores prepared for the holiday season.


After spending four months as the county with the highest unemployment rate in the state, Orangeburg County dropped to fourth place in November. Manufacturing added 11,600 jobs in both nondurable goods (+8,500) and durable goods (+3,100). That was up from 334,244 in October but down from 392,610 in November 2014.

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