
Minnesota unemployment rate ticks down to 3.7 percent

Nebraska’s unemployment rate remained unchanged at 2.9 percent in October, second lowest in the nation.


The US unemployment rate has held steady or fallen in each of the last six months, and after October’s solid 271,000 job gains, most analysts expect to see enough strength in November’s numbers upcoming numbers to warrant a Federal Reserve rate hike at the end of December.

Companies and governments created far more jobs than they eliminated in October, with total nonfarm civilian employment growing by 10,800 jobs, based on estimates released by the California Employment Development Department that are not seasonally adjusted.

The governor’s office said Friday the state’s seasonally adjusted jobless rate for October was 5.9 percent.

From January 1999 to June 2001, Arkansas’ unemployment rate was below 5 percent every month.

Where the report gets more mixed, outside of the rise in the state’s unemployment rate, is in the mix of jobs. That’s up 6.7% over the year, the biggest percentage growth among the local business sectors. Utah’s unemployment rate is 3.6 per cent, and Idaho’s is 4 per cent.

In October, 32 states had declines in their unemployment rates compared with September; three reported increases and 15 had no change. “That’s actually speeding up from where it was last month, so that’s good news”. “Missoula County has added about 1,700 over the year”.

The service sector led the state’s October job gains with the addition of 12,400 jobs in leisure and hospitality and 3,300 positions in the professional and business services sector.


BLS Program Operations Manager Susan Price said, “October marks the fifth consecutive month that Arkansas’ unemployment rate has declined and the twenty-third straight month that employment has increased”.

Florida jobless rate continues to dip slightly