
Minor injuries, no gorings at San Fermin’s fifth bull-run this year

Runners sprint alongside Pedraza de Yeltes fighting bulls near the entrance to the bullring during the fourth running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival in Pamplona, northern Spain, July 10, 2016.


More than 1,000 people took part in the Pamplona run, which lasted just over four minutes, about 1 1⁄2 times longer than usual.

The five injuries took the tally from the four runs that have taken place so far during the San Fermin festival to almost 40.

Slips and falls, however, were constant by bulls and runners, and some participants were stampeded by the 1,300lbs (590-kilogram) animals on the way to the bullring.

A South African man, 73, and a 58-year-old Spanish resident of Pamplona were in a serious condition after being gored, the Navarre regional government said on its website.

Initial medical reports said that there were three head injuries but no gorings.

On Saturday, a 29-year-old Spanish matador was gored to death in the ring in the eastern town of Teruel in a bullfight that aired live on television.

The Sunday bull run is usually one of the most crowded of the festival, which was immortalised in Ernest Hemingway’s 1926 novel “The Sun Also Rises”.

Eleven people, including three Americans, have been gored since the runs started Thursday.

They were among seven men – six of them foreigners – who were gored during a second day of bull running at the annual event in northern Spain.


In all, 15 have died from being gored since record-keeping began in 1924.

Two gored in Pamplona bull run