
Mirantis Gets £64m OpenStack Investment From Intel, Goldman Sachs

The co-founder and president of Mirantis, Alex Freedland, commented that having Intel as a partner will help them demonstrate that open licensing, open development and open design is what beckons in cloud infrastructure software in the world.


Intel is becoming increasingly involved with OpenStack, announcing a partnership with Rackspace in July to create the OpenStack Innovation Centre and bring together engineers from both firms to focus on improving the scalability, manageability and reliability of the OpenStack code.

Intel to invest millions in Mirantis and it is not the only company to invest in it. Other investors in the latest cash injection include investors such as August Capital, Ericsson, Goldman Sachs, Insight Venture Partners, Sapphire Ventures and WestSummit Capital.

Pure play OpenStack vendor Mirantis has secured $100m in new funding this week in a round led by Intel Capital, with the companies also announcing deepened collaboration in the cloud arena.

Freedland added that the collaboration means that there’s nothing proprietary in the arrangement that it is flowing directly into open source. Under the Cloud for All initiative Intel is assisting corporate data centers achieve efficiency on cloud services offered by the likes of Amazon Web services and Microsoft Azure. According to Forrester, a technology research consultancy, OpenStack has quickly emerged as the fifth most popular cloud platform embraced by Global 2000 enterprises. Today’s announcement will boost further adoption by reducing integration and deployment challenges in new and existing data centers globally.

“Every industry is being disrupted by software”. Smart enterprises are embracing the cloud to grow top line revenues and get new services to market faster.

Diane Bryant, senior vice-president and general manager of the Datacentre Group at Intel, said stepping up its involvement with Mirantis forms part of its wider Cloud for All initiative.

The technology alliance with Intel will concentrate on incorporating additional capabilities for enterprise level deployments.

Intel could provide its engineering assistance to Mirantis to help it upgrade OpenStack to reduce service outages.


A major U.S. bank dramatically shortened its time to respond to major security breaches. The US chipmaker will spend another $25 million to boost its own resources for working with the similar products. The company may have a long-term plan to be familiar with the upcoming cloud-based technologies and companies, since the tech industry is gradually shifting toward the new generation of data storage services.

Intel Corporation To Head $100-Million Investment In Mirantis For OpenStack