
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Closed Beta Sign Ups Are Now Open

In this brand new story trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, we’re not just baring witness to some hardcore parkour. If you asked someone who played the first game whether they could recall its story, chances are they probably couldn’t.


Announced two years ago at EA’s annual E3 press event, information regarding the game since then has been slim, to say the least.

Fast-forward seven years, and the sequel that many had been asking for, but nobody expected, is on the cusp of being released. In this case it’s the official Mirror’s Edge site EA has put up for registrations. To get in, you’ll need to sign up on the Mirror’s Edge website and provide your EA account and chosen platform. It doesn’t seem as much as a beta wherein much user feedback would make it into the final game at launch than it is a promotional tool to gauge interest and push pre-orders.


After a couple of delays, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on May 26.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst