
Mississippi adult obesity rate stays second-worst in 2015

Self-reported obesity for non-Hispanic whites was 27.6 percent.


Obesity rates can have a major impact on health care costs for diabetes and other related chronic diseases like diabetes.

In four states – Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and West Virginia – more than 35 per cent of residents are morbidly overweight.

Still, obesity rates have almost tripled in OR since 1990, disproportionately affecting minority and rural residents as well as individuals with less education OR lower income.

Pamela Bryant, a health communications specialist at CDC in Atlanta, said the goal of the maps is to “empower” individuals and policymakers to take steps to prevent obesity, such as by improving access to healthier, fresher foods and recreational options in neighborhoods, schools and offices. Per year, obesity costs the nation massive $147.

John has recently completed work on a five-year, $4.8 million obesity prevention project, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, targeting schoolchildren ages 5 to 8 in rural towns in six Western states including Oregon.

“Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas – they all have significantly high rates”.

The highest figure was recorded in Louisiana, where 36.2 per cent of adults are obese.

A school health advisory committee that’s focused on wellness policies, nutrition and physical activity.

One new report from “The State of Obesity”, made possible through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, show that about a third of adults living in Pennsylvania as well as DE were considered obese previous year and face serious health facts. But promisingly, for the most part, the rates stayed stable between 2014 and 2015.

Here’s a look at the country’s most and least obese states in 2015.

The CDC defines obesity as having a body mass index of 30 or higher. For obesity in Hispanics, the state ranked third, with 36.9 percent considered obese. Colorado is the skinniest, with adult obesity rates just over 20 percent.

Thompson says poverty and lifestyle have contributed to high obesity rates in Arkansas and other states in the South.


According to the report, obesity rates nationwide have leveled off after decades of increasing, remain alarmingly high compared to a generation ago. New Jersey reported 25.6 percent, up from 12.3 percent 21 years ago while DE reported having a 29.7 percent rating, up from 15.2 percent in 1995. In 2015, however, all states had higher than 20 percent obesity rate, with 25 states above 30 percent and four states above 35 percent.

Obesity Rates Are Actually Down in 4 States