
Missoula book store reflects on Harper Lee’s career

About three dozen family members and close friends attended a private Saturday afternoon service at First United Methodist Church in Monroeville. There’s also a brief interview at 1:30 with her wonderfully raspy-voiced elder sister and caregiver, Alice Finch Lee, who died in 2014 at the age of 103.


Harper Lee is widely considered one of the greatest American novelists of all time.

After listening to Flint’s remarks at a Birmingham Pledge Foundation Award ceremony, Lee requested that he read the speech at her funeral.

According to Wanda Green, the museum’s executive director, the courtroom was replicated for the 1962 film adaptation of “To Kill a Mockingbird“, starring Gregory Peck.

Asked what he’d miss most about Lee, Brock said, “Her warmth and her sincerity”.

Nobel laureate Toni Morrison and others have labeled the book a “white saviour” novel, but McBride believes that “Mockingbird” is the best story that Lee could have told.

“I think the book was so special, everybody wanted to be like Atticus (Finch)”, Green told WIAT. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, “Lee had a way of telling stories that does have an influence and resonates with so many Americans”.

Bush said in a statement on Friday that he and his wife, Laura Bush, a former librarian, mourned Lee.

The southern Alabama town of Monroeville seems destined to always be linked to Nelle Harper Lee.

“I prefer to remember “To Kill a Mockingbird” and Atticus Finch and all those characters as Harper Lee wanted us to remember them”. The author of “To Kill a Mockingbird” died Thursday night at the age … One Missoula book shop worker says the iconic author will be missed.

James McBride, victor of the National Book Award in 2013 for the novel “Good Lord Bird” and author of the upcoming nonfiction “Kill ’em and Leave” about James Brown, said reading “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a child made him want to become a writer and that it “crystallized” for him an awareness of racism that had been “floating around him”.

Flynt and Randall said they had recently visited Lee at the Monroeville assisted living facility where she had lived for several years because of declining health.

An author himself, Flynt agrees that Mockingbird is the most beautifully constructed work Lee produced, he argues that “Go Set a Watchman” is more genuine.

“You would see her around but still we would honor her wishes of being a very private person”.


It’s common knowledge in Monroeville that Lee did not like to talk about “Mockingbird“. YouTube user and blogger HarperLeeSpeaks was present and writes, “She wasn’t really a recluse, she just didn’t like fame”. “That was a book about her dad”.

Friends and family of author Harper Lee bid the author farewell Saturday at the First United Methodist Church in Monroeville Ala. at a private funeral service. Lee the elusive author of best-seller'To Kill a Mockingbird' died Friday according to